Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
at 5000 meters comes the madness....
most importantly, we are both back and safe. the claim that 50% of climbers make it to the summit proved true in our case. mark made it to the top, but i did not. igot pretty sick on the evening of day 4, at barranco camp. not altitude sickness, but some sort of stomach parasite which still has my a bit laid out. i also got mountain sickness at the upper reaches of the climb, but i knew from nepal that i was prone to that, so i had planned my itinerary around more acclimitization than average to try and avoid the problem. i might have been alright with the altitude sickness, but the stomach problems led to pain and dizziness that pretty much took me out just short of the summit. on the final night climb, i had to turn back at 3:30 am, while mark continued on to reach the summit less than two and a half hours later. i was very close, but just couldn't marshall my body to do it. (a wise choice -- it took me a full two and half hours to get back to camp at dawn because i was having so much trouble walking, meaning mark ascended the last 2000 or so feet in the same time it took me to descend that far.) on a side note, i did make it about 2000 feet higher than our guide, who didn't feel well enough to even attempt the night ascent.
the trip, even feeling as lousy as i did, was amazing. the mountain is beautiful. i'll write again about it soon. for now, here is a little recap.
day 1 -- the day it didn't rain -- a lovely day through the rainforest, and it was indeed the only day it didn't rain. i'll dwell on weather more in the future, but on day 2 it rained all day, so we had to build tents, eat meals, everything in a driving rain. on day 3 it was raining as we climbed, so at a certain altitude the rain turned to hail, and as we kept climbing turned to snow -- the middle couple of hours of the day was in a blistery and window snow storm. on day 4 it merely rained, and not all day. on day 5 it rained, and then hail at night. on day 6, that's right, rain. on day 7, it was fantastically beautiful for the night climb, although bitter, bitter cold, and for the daylight descent it was the most powerful rain yet, which turned to a painful hail, even through our gear, and on day 8, we made it to the basecamp and the jeep early enough to miss the rain. but trust me, it is raining there now....
day 2 -- the day eligi became ill -- a steep climb (in pouring rain, yes) that mark and i hit hard and took without pause, so we could get to the camp in the afternoon and enjoy ourselves, plus do some extra climbing to acclimate. in the middle of the day, i commented that our guide was going slowly -- and while i know a slow ascent is crucial on kilimanjaro and all the guides do it, i said to mark that i thought he couldn't go faster even if
day 3 -- the day with the good bathroom -- a good bathroom, in the context of this trip, means an outhouse that looks like nothing more than 3 and a half foot square closet with 5 inch square hole in the middle of the floor. consider for a moment what constituted a "bad" bathroom.... one bit of genius that set this particular bathroom apart from the rest was the inclusion of a door. i'll let you imagine the other innovations other bathrooms lacked.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
We've arrived in Moshi. The journey here can only be described as third-worldian. I'll give the full tale later, but let it be put this way -- we flew to an airport by accident we'd been assured we couldn't possibly get to, and then jumped off the plane, grabbed our luggage, and ran for the street before they realized we were leaving.... The terminal of our airport, by the way is photographed here:

I'm not kidding. That is the terminal. The runway is that grass you see in the foreground. Notice the fire extinguisher on the hand truck....
So many little tidbits of stories to tell, but I'm afraid I'm off to dinner and then to bed early. Tomorrow begins the climb. Here is the view of the mountain from here:

It doesn't look that far away, right? The distance you are looking at is, roughly, the trek that starts early tomorrow. The day begins with a 3-hour 4-wheel drive that allegedly requires motion sickness pills, but the drive doesn't take us any closer. We'll just be shifting around to the bottom of the mountain on the west, so to the left side of the photo, and beginning from there.
This is the end of communication until we return. f all goes well, we'll be on top on Christmas day! Merry Christmas to everyone!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
You are in Dar
(in honor of sandy, this entry will be in second person. in honor of the nearly useless shift key on this computer, this entry will be in lower case.)
you look longingly at the overhead luggage bin on the airplane. your third flight has just ended, in nairobi, and you aren't going to be allowed off the plane as you wait for the next leg. as you stand for a moment in the aisle of the plane, on tip toe and off, stretching and hitting your head on the exit sign, it can't help but occur to you that the overhead luggage bin is far more comfortable than your seat. there is a bit of strut in the middle, but you could think of that as a stomach pillow and just stretch out up there. is that allowed? can you stick a luggage tag to your face, and perhaps scrawl the word samsonite on your forehead in permanent marker?
it isn't that you aren't used to traveling. it isn't even that the rather intimidating man sitting in front of you leaned his seat all the way back, even before take-off and all the way through landing because the flight attendant seemed afraid to talk to him when she leaned everyone else's seats back up. actually, you aren't allowed to complain about him, because the intimidating man in front of mark was able to lean his broken chair back even farther.... ok, you don't know what it is. but you really, really want to stretch out to sleep in that overhead luggage compartment.
you don't.
you take another flight and get to dar. you get a visa. apparently they hand them out by height, starting with the shortest person. you are in the line a long time.... a cab takes you to the econolodge. it doesn't look to be related to the econolodge chain, unless perhaps the chain specializes in moldy front entries? you need tanzanian shillings for the room, so you walk to the petrol station for an atm, to discover that your atm card doesn't work. unfortunate. you walk back, and send mark to the petrol station....
the room is quite nice, accepting that it is in the third world. you fall asleep on the pallet almost immediately and rest 8 and a half hours, waking up, finally, refreshed. a beautiful morning out on the balcony. urban and filthy, but still a bit beautiful.
touts offer all kinds of ways to get to the town of moshi, but most can't manage it today. the bus ride will be 8 hours, and you think of the small chairs and overhead luggage compartments. a plane ticket for a one hour flight is purchased. a bit more expensive, and you won't get to see all the little villages on the road, if there are some, but the single hour of travel is more temptation than you can resist. and, finally, you sit at the airport internet cafe. the airport has no interior rooms other than the gate, and you can't go there this early, a little self-serve super market, and the internet cafe. it has an air conditioner. the air inside isn't cool, but it is conditioned. whatever that means.
when you get to moshi, you will write again.
you love everyone.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Leaving for Tanzania
The blog is back!
But don’t get too excited….
This trip is only a couple of weeks, and most of that is either on a mountain (8 days) or on a plane (3 days), so I don’t think you have many blog entries coming your way. I’ll take many photos, of course, and perhaps I’ll be able to post a few from the road. But perhaps not. We’ll all find out together!
To start building a bit of expection, here is the itinerary:
December 14 – Depart LAX at 6:45 am. To get us to the airport three hours before my flight – please exit row, please – a yellow cab is arriving at my driveway at the charming hour of 3:15 am. Yeay!!! (Us, by the way, refers to myself, and my friend Mark Guirguis, who is joining me on the entire venture. Unless we are chased by an angry crash of rhinoceros, in which case I will take advantage of my longer legs and leave him behind. But I’ll feel bad about it.)
December 15 – Having endured 30 hours of plane flights and layovers – NYC,
December 16 – Mark and I need to travel to Moshi. We have no solution to this problem yet, but we believe we can find a short plane flight of about an hour, or perhaps a bus ride for 6 hours through
December 17 & 18 – Rest in Moshi, acclimate to this tiny bit of altitude, and sort out final details with our guide company, which has already been booked. I need to buy a Balaclava here in Moshi, because how can you climb Kili without a
December 19 – A 3 hour drive in a jeep is required to get us to the starting point of the trek, because some gangly over-achiever has selected a ludicrous starting point. And then the hike begins:
Elevation Change + 650 M
Final Elevation 2650 M
At the gate, we pick up our game ranger who will accompany us, as we might encounter elephants and buffaloes during our trek. We drive to the trailhead at Lemosho Glades and start our trek through the rain forest. In places, the vegetation is so untouched that it grows right across the narrow track. Our trek today will be along a little used track known as Chamber's Route. In about 3-4 hours, we reach our camp in the rain forest at Mti Mkubwa (Big Tree).
December 20 –
Elevation change + 950 M
Final Elevation 3,610 M
After breakfast, we start the climb cross the remaining rain forest towards the giant moorland zone. Today is a full day trek with an altitude gain of 2,000 ft. A great lunch stop is One, a beautiful valley just outside the Shira Crater at around 10,000 ft. After lunch, we cross into the Shira Caldera, a high altitude desert plateau that is rarely visited. Shira is the third of Kilimanjaro volcanic cones, and is filled with lava flow from
December 21 –
Elevation change: + 240 M
Final elevation: 3,850
After breakfast continue hike east across the Shira Plateau past the Shira Cathedral towards Shira Two camp. We only gain 700 feet in elevation – this allows us to acclimatize slowly to the altitude. The views of the plateau are nothing less than spectacular.
December 22 –
Elevation change: +100 M
Final elevation: 3950 M
Today is the last of the "easy days". It is about a 7-hour superb hike. We pass the
December 23 –
Elevation change: +240 M (787 ft)
Maximum elevation: 4190 M
Final elevation: 4000 M
On the eastern side of the valley, across the stream is the Barranco Wall - a 950 ft. barrier of volcanic rock. Although it is tall and looks steep, it is very easy to climb. This is our first challenge of the day. The views from the wall are nothing less than magnificent. The rest of the day is spent skirting the base of Kibo peak over our left shoulder. We descend down into the
December 24 –
BARAFU CAMP (15,088 ft.)
Elevation changes: +410 M (1,345 ft)
Final elevation: 4600 M
First thing, we will be making a steep hike out of the valley. The air starts getting quite thin, and we will be running short of breath. It is a tough, but rewarding uphill to the rocky, craggy slopes at the camp. Barafu means, ice in Swahili, and it is extremely cold at this altitude. So, we will go to bed early because we will be waking at midnight for the final leg to
December 25 –
Final elevation: 5896 M
Descent time: 5 hrs, Elevation change: -2800M
Final elevation: 3100 M
We dress warmly, because we start climbing around midnight, on the steepest and most demanding part of the mountain. The moon, if out, will provide enough light, and we will reach the Crater rim by sunrise, after a 7 hour hike, and welcome a new dawn. From the Crater rim, rugged
The descent is invigorating. It is a good idea to have a little rest once in awhile as you continue down back to Barafu Camp (4 hours), and then down the Mweka route to Mweka camp (5 hours). This is where we spend our last night on the mountain.
December 26 –
Elevation change: -1250M
Final elevation: 1828 M
In the morning we walk down to the road head. After a welcome lunch, it is time to say "kwaheri" to the guide. We then get a lift back to the town of
December 27 – Rest in Moshi. Or, perhaps, get down off the mountain if we experienced delays.
December 28 – Now we need to reverse our travels to
December 29 – Back on a plane to
December 30 – Back in
And since I have no photos of the trip to post yet, here is my nephew Carter – isn’t he awesome: