Sunday, October 19, 2008

Off to Bucharest and Cairo

Just testing out the old blog. Perhaps I'll have a tale or two to tell over the next few weeks of travels. Perhaps not. Time will tell.

The itinerary: (as much as I know of it anyway)

October 19: Fly to Bucharest, with a little pause in Rome
October 31: From Bucharest to Prague, arriving on...
November 1: in Cairo
November 11: Back to LA

That means I'll be on the road for my birthday. Sorry Peeps. :-)


Blogger Ghislaine said...

How exciting to see you appear in my Gmail Reader!
Have fun in Romania -Michael and I loved it when we went.
And of course in Egypt.
(As a French person, i.e. someone for whom a two-hour drive requires a sleepover, I love that you're going to Egypt 'cause it's so close to Romania.)

1:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know why you are in Romania. But, Egypt? Is Mom the last to know? Love you, have a great trip. Mom

7:00 PM  
Blogger ginsy said...

Are you going to celebrate your birthday in the traditional Romanian way or in the traditional Egyptian way?

And be careful which one you choose.

Trust me: they are EXTREMELY different celebrations...

3:55 PM  

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